15 Nov 3 Grounding Hot Drinks for Vata Season
Vata season is a time where we want to focus on wet, warm and slow foods and drinks to keep us grounded, nourished and balanced. Brining in a evening or morning hot drink ritual can make all the difference over the Vata Months (Autumn – Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.)
Here’s 3 of my favourite hot drinks to keep you balanced:
Cardamon & Rose Milk
This is one of my favourite bed time drinks from the book Nine Golden Months by Heng Ou (my favourite pregnancy book).
1 cup of milk of your choice
1/4 tspn cardamon powder
1 tspn rose petals
1 tspn of Ghee
Honey if desired to sweeten
pinch of salt
Beetroot powder to colour (if you have some hanging around!)
Heat milk in a pan
Add all the spices and ghee
Simmer for 20 minutes
Strain, serve and sprinkle rose petals on top for pleasure!
Add honey if you desire to sweeten.
Warming Masala Tea
Masala tea reminds me of my dearest friend Emma. I’ll never forget the first time she gifted me some to heat on my hob – it filled my home with such warmth and nourishment. It has certainly become a ritual I love and adore – especially when I’m needing to feel grounded and supported.
1 cup of milk of your choice
6 oz masala powder
cardamon powder
nutmeg powder
black pepper
1 tspn Ghee
1 tspn Honey
rose petals
Heat up the milk
Add the spices
Stir in the Ghee & honey
Pour into cup & sprinkle rose petals to nourish your eyes & heart!
Golden Turmeric Latte
Method & Recipe:
– Add 1 x cup of your preferred Nut Milk (I recommend a thick creamy coconut or oat milk) to small pan or frothing machine and bring to boil.
– Add 1/4 teaspoon of each of the following warming spices: Turmeric, Nutmeg, Ginger, Cinnamon and ground Cardamon (Grounding and warming spices for Root Chakra and inner fire.)
– Sprinkle of freshly cracked black pepper – yum yum!
– Add honey to taste if you’d like (but I prefer without – sweet enough!)
– Stir it all together… slowly and meaningful… like you’re making love to life, preparing medicine, creating magic… (Let it be sacred and sensual .)